
A guide for graduate students preparing for a master's defense in 艺术,科学 and 工程.



在完成论文所需的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场之后, you should inform your graduate administrator that you have started the process to prepare for your defense. 硕士论文答辩委员会必须包括你的指导老师, 你项目的另一位教员, 还有一个系外的教员. 硕士论文答辩使用的委员会组成规则与 博士答辩委员会. 然而, 硕士论文委员会不像博士论文委员会那样需要委员会主席.

请注意:如果指导老师不在学生的课程中, 该顾问仍被视为该计划的委员会成员.


当你和你的导师开始考虑辩护时,检查一下 校历 的最后期限. 防御可以在艺术的任何一天举行, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场生教育和博士后事务科学与工程办公室&(E GEPA)已开始营业(i.e.(不是周末、晚上、节假日或圣诞节和新年之间的日子).

你必须为你的口头陈述和闭门考试预定一个房间. Check with your graduate administrator to determine who will schedule the room for your thesis defense.

Let your graduate administrator know as soon as all of the members of your committee have agreed to a specific date and time for the defense. 你r graduate administrator will advise you of any program-specific requirements for the defense, 还有准备你的论文答辩材料. 的y will also help you determine who will schedule the room for your thesis defense and who will obtain the signatures for your paperwork. 

你 should provide your committee members at least one week to read and comment on your thesis before the thesis defense.


而你和你的顾问必须亲自出现在辩方的房间里, other committee members are allowed to participate in the defense remotely via Skype or other video conferencing technology. 这必须得到AS的批准&澳门威尼斯人网上赌场生教育和博士后事务主任 before the dissertation is registered for defense.


我们强烈建议国际学生与老师见面 国际服务处(ISO) 代表. ISO将提供有关签证选择的信息, 文档, 以及申请美国就业签证的时间表.


在你的最后一个学期(你要答辩的那个学期), 如果你已经完成了所有学分要求, 您将注册以下注册类别之一:

硕士论文—Non-credit bearing registration category for a master’s student who has completed all of the requirements for the degree except the thesis and is in residence as a full-time student.

895:继续注册—Non-credit bearing registration category for a master’s student who has completed all of the requirements for the degree except the thesis and is not in residence as a full-time student.

有关这些类别的详细信息,请参阅 注册页面.


准备硕士论文 manual is a great resource to help you bring your dissertation up to the required standard of organization, 外观, 和澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的格式. 而本文档是专门针对博士论文的, 同样的格式规则也适用于硕士论文. 在准备论文答辩稿之前, check the contents of the manual carefully to help avoid mistakes that can be time-consuming and costly to correct.

Before beginning your thesis you should consult with your advisor for your department or program’s preferred style guide (APA, MLA, 芝加哥).

Including material produced by other authors in your thesis can serve a legitimate research purpose, 但是你要避免在这个过程中侵犯版权. 有关避免侵犯版权的详细说明,请参阅ProQuest的 版权指南.


你必须提供论文的副本给你的委员会成员. 你 should check with your committee members to see if they prefer printed or electronic copies (or both). 打印副本不需要在重量级上打印, 昂贵的纸张,除非有必要这样做的数字和图像. 

印刷和装订论文可能很昂贵. 你可以使用 复印中心 or 联邦快递的办公室 印刷和装订你的论文.


“注册”仅仅意味着你已经提交了论文文件, 你打算为谁辩护, 给AS&澳门威尼斯人网上赌场生教育和博士后事务主任. 你的论文必须被你的指导老师批准为准备答辩, 如指导老师在 硕士论文答辩预约表 (此表格只供职员使用).

你的答辩必须在你注册后至少五个完整的工作日内完成. 注册时, you must present a bound defense copy of your thesis to the Office of 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场生教育和博士后事务 (GEPA).

的 copy of your thesis that you register will be returned to you usually within a few days before or after the defense, 可能的更正必须在最后的论文中解决.


Below you will find suggestions to help you get ready for the defense and information to give you a sense of what to expect.


的 best way to know what happens and the best way for you to prepare for your defense is to regularly attend the defenses of your colleagues. 你 should also speak with your advisor to get a sense of his/her specific expectations of a defense.



你应该准备一份包含论文的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场报告. 你的幻灯片应该概括你的工作,并把重点放在最突出的贡献上. 在准备的过程中,问自己这些问题:“我希望人们对我的论文有什么了解? 我能展示和谈论的最重要的信息是什么?以下是一些基本建议:

  • 使用足够大的文字让观众能够读懂(尤其是来自图形的文字)
  • 确保图形和表格清晰
  • 不要把你的幻灯片弄得乱七八糟——如果有必要的话,在鼠标点击的时候出现一些内容
  • 使用拼写检查和校对你的幻灯片
  • 和同伴一起练习你的演讲
  • 如果需要,练习发音
  • Time your presentation to ensure it will fit the allotted time while allowing time for questions


如果你的辩护包括公开演讲, we recommended that you do a trial run of your presentation a day or two before your defense in the room that has been booked for your public lecture. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with the space and the equipment and to address any problems that arise during the trial run.

计划好你的公开演讲,留出足够的时间来提问. 提供足够的信息,让听众明白你做了什么, 你为什么这么做?, 这意味着什么?, 你对未来的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场有什么建议.

的 date/time/location of your defense and thesis topic are advertised to your program and beyond. 欢迎亲友出席公开讲座. 观众中的教师和学生有机会提问.


Plan to dress professionally for the defense in the same way you would if presenting a paper at a conference or for a job interview. 在你的辩护日,你将站很久, 在选择鞋子时,哪些是重要的要记住的.



  • 你的演讲
  • 激光笔
  • 论文的复印件
  • 钢笔或铅笔
  • 记录评论的东西
  • 一瓶水 


在委员会审查你的学习计划时,你将被要求离开房间, 成绩, 并决定论文是否被接受. 的 committee decides whether members will ask sequential questions or whether each member will be allotted a specific time period for questioning.

你会被叫回检查室,开始接受询问. 所有的问题都解决了之后, 在你的委员会决定考试结果时,你将被要求离开房间. 你将被要求返回房间,告知结果.


  •  to the entire question no matter how long it takes the faculty member or student to ask it (take notes if necessary).
  • 停下来想一想 在回答问题之前.
  • 改述 这个问题很简洁.
  • 回答 尽你所能回答这个问题. 如果你不知道答案,保持冷静,用专业的方式说出来.
  • 还记得 that no one will know the ins and outs of the thesis and your research materials as well as you.  是论文主题的最重要的专家和  了解所涉及的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场. 是积极的!


在你的辩护结束时, 你的委员会将决定你考试及格或不及格. 如果结果是考试不及格, 你可以在四个月后要求复查. 



你 can submit the final corrected copies of your thesis as soon as you address any remaining comments that were brought up during the defense or noted in the registration copy of your thesis, 通常会在答辩前或答辩后几天内寄给你.


Each department and program has its own process for students who are ending their student status. Be sure to check with your graduate administrator to determine if there is additional paperwork that you need to complete before your student status is terminated.


澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 requires all master’s thesis candidates to deposit their theses for publication with the 大学图书馆. GEPA办公室要求您的最终论文的PDF副本提供给 大学图书馆.


你所在的院系可能需要你论文的装订本. Please check with your graduate administrator to determine this and how the cost of binding is covered. 你可能也想给自己和别人买一本精装本.